
Have you heard about The Colibri Voice project?
Road map

Colibrí Training
Educational programs
Phase 1: Colibri Bootcamp
Phase 2: Colibri Community
Colibri Community: it will continue with the children who participated in the Colibri Bootcamp; there will be exchanges, selective investment, permanent education and new beginning courses on agroindustry.
Road map

Selective Investments
Permanent Education
Life Success
Reduce migration from the countryside to urban centers through the development of agro-industrial skills and life
skills in children and youth who live in rural areas.

Liderazgo en el campo
Promote leadership in rural areas by identifying stories of powerful lives that inspire the participants.

Amor por el campo
Generational meetings to transmit love for the land, the values of rurality and environmental awareness to the new generations.

Tecnología e innovación
Encourage the use technology and innovation for the modernization of the field, promoting creativity, resilience and technological adaptation.

Proyecto de vida y ruralidad
Invite the participants to embrace the opportunity to develop their life projects within the rural areas. Redefining the concept of rurality and building new values and ways towards a more productive approach in the rural areas.

We are proud to have Antonio Romero Garcia in our team. His long career as Barista, his studies about toasting and quality analysis, just like his support to small coffee-growers in developing special and differentiated coffees, demonstrated that he is highly qualified to accompany the quality process of our brand Colibri Voice Coffee.
The awards earned by Antonio Romero are:
- National champion of Latte Art.
- National champion of Café y Licores.
- National champion of the first Championship of Café Ibrik.
- 6th place on the World Ibrik Coffee Championship in London.
- Best Barista in awards La Barra 2020.
- National winner with the best coffee proposal of La Barra 2020 awards.
The awards and recognitions mentioned above, gave us the certainty of his vocation and professional path as part of the Colibri Voice Coffee team. We are confident that we are a brand with high quality and production standards.
We hope that with the contribution of the Colibri Voice Coffee consumers and our company, we are able to invest in projects for the future of our children. That the shimmering wing of the hummingbird becomes a sparkle of light that illuminates all in the same extent, offering the necessary opportunities
as a testimony of inclusion and participation